Zana just wrote in to ask:
1) How to create amazingly engaging lesson plans?
My answer:
Spend 20 years of your life teaching thousands of students and getting the lesson plans checked by hundreds of other amazing teachers in many different countries to get their feedback, refinements and suggestions.
Or just use mine 🙂
Be genki,
P.S. Yes, OK I was a little cheeky in that reply there. 🙂 But the sentiment is true. It takes a long time, and is a lot of work, to make a really awesome lesson plan that really makes the most of our valuable teaching time in class and gets the kids totally engaged. After all it never works as well as it could on the 1st try. Personally I’d rather you spend all that precious time and energy with your own family or in the actual teaching of the kids. And just in case you think you have all the time in the world, have a look at this …..
Use mine & save your jelly beans for the important things.
If it’s not a trade secret, can I ask what you use to make your software? I have word lists I need to teach sometimes and it sure would be nice to make something they could “play” on the computer, even if I don’t have cool songs for everything.
Hi Markus, it’s in Adobe Flash (not called Adobe Animate) What are the lists that you have to teach?