30 Day Positive Words Challenge!

The theory goes that if you fill your head with fun & positivity, that’s what you’ll get more of in your life. Β  Β So let’s cut out the newspapers and TV and instead Β learn a new positive word of phrase each day!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

11 Responses to “30 Day Positive Words Challenge!”

  1. Ludmila

    You’re great, you’re awesome as always, Richard! Thank you!

  2. elena piroli

    I’m going to start today with :
    Just Try It !
    I’m searching yr website for Tomorrow lesson at school …more Warmer & Review plus How are you ? and Monster game & I’m a Super Hero (which perfectly fits with our can/can’t programme at the moment) ..
    I’ll be a super Teacher ; I can sing & dance & smile (dancing with a student rock & roll)

  3. Elisa

    Hi Richard, fantastic words. I’m doing my first on line course in ten days! I’m trying! I’m a bit scared… But positive.

  4. Carmen Rosa

    All these wonderful positive words have filled me with energy and lifted my soul. I am ready to face everything. Thank you very much, Richard.
    Your work is amazing and so helpful!

  5. Yolanda

    You are GREAT. Thank you Richard

  6. Arifa Islam

    Great idea Richard!
    Extremely useful and motivating! Thank you.

  7. Lesya Kosmovska

    Thanks a million, Richard! My almost native Lviv in your fantastic video! I’m so appreciate your work and help through email!

  8. Gaynor

    I’m teaching Genki ‘what are you doing’ today and will find a way to bring in positive words into the lesson to teach the kids.

  9. Rivka

    The most amazing practical and personalizing activity for me and my students. Just perfect to spice up the end of the year

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