How I just “read” 21 books in 24 hours


After the Anthony Robbins workshop last week I decided I had to start reading a lot more than just one book per week.  It certainly is the best way to get new ideas, new viewpoints and to learn things that have been properly tried and tested ( unlike most of what is on the internet!)    So I took a few days off and decided to get caught up.  At one point I “read” 21 books in 24 hours.

So how on Earth did I do that?

I used the new Blinkist app.   Instead of ploughing through the 673 pages of Tim Ferriss’ Tools of Titans ( which was well worth the read BTW) Blinkist summarizes the books into their key sections.

And then, best of all, they have narrations so you can just listen with your eyes closed, or in your car or commute without adding to your daily “screen time.”

It costs $79 for a whole year, which I’m probably going to go for at some point,  or even better you can get a free trial for 24 hours where you can access all their books.   Hence the 21 books I read in 24 hours.

It was really cool, both re-reading important books like Stephen Covey’s Success habits book to Think and Grow Rich,  to learning new things about gut bacteria, memory techniques, autism, languages or gamification,  all because it’s an “all you can eat” plan.

It’s always great learning new things, and especially when they are peer reviewed and available without having to travel to London or the US.

So give the Blinkist app a try and see how you go!

Be genki,


P.S.   I know some of you are going to ask, so here’s the full list of books I read:

P.P.S.  And if any of you want to see where I took my few days off, here it is 🙂

P.P.S.   This app also plays a big part in my C1/C2 Level Advanced course.   VIP Members can get my full training on how to teach Advanced Levels here. 

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “How I just “read” 21 books in 24 hours”

  1. Trevor Lawless

    I just downloaded the app last week too. Haven’t done the trial yet as I’m waiting for a rainy day.

    Kai and I listen to the Tim Ferris podcast every night. It’s great, I get to listen to a really interesting podcast and his voice seems to be magic for sending 5 year old kids to sleep.

  2. Richard Graham

    It must be amazing to get even a part of all that education at that age! There were even kids at Anthony Robbins last week which would have been amazing!

  3. Julia Kuwahara

    Thanks for the review of Blinkist. Today (Aug 27) I read your post and immediately checked it out, went for the Premium Level, and have already listened to 3 books while doing house chores. It’s great! (Also watched your fantastic upbeat video (Challenge Day 6 from Vietnam) which gave me a boost to get ready to jump back in the classroom Sept 4th. Thanks loads!

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