On the Beach, China & Your Home Town

Last week I was in very expensive Tokyo working on the software for CD vol. 9 and thought “you know I could be doing this anywhere.” So now I’m living on the beach in wonderful, and very cheap, Koh Samui. It’s very nice and even just having a couple of extra hours of daylight makes a huge difference, not to mention the timed saved by not partying every night!

Are you in China?

I will be here for a month and then do the second Beijing workshops. These workshops will be full, but my China visa is still valid until May, so if you are in China and would like your own Genki English workshop get some friends together and get in touch.

To make it easier for you I’ve simplified how to organise a small scale workshop in your town or city. Instead of calculating all my travel expenses, accommodation etc. I’ve now made it a simple set fee of $100 per person, with a minimum of 12 people attending. Just grab some friends, find a room for the workshop and you’ll be as genki as anything in no time!

Rest of the World – Time’s Running Out!

I’m probably going to open this up to everywhere in the world till the end of 2009, so if you can get a group of friends together where you live then please get in touch. I’ll probably end up losing money in some cases, but if it costs more than $1200 to get to where you are then it’s probably such a cool place that I’d want to visit anyway! The regular fees will still apply for large conferences and speeches.

But get your offers in soon, with all the bigger projects coming online I want to get as much travelling done as I can this year, as I won’t be able to continue to do it for too much longer!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

8 Responses to “On the Beach, China & Your Home Town”

  1. nigel

    unfortunately i’m heading home to england soon, so i’ll not be able to catch one of the workshops.

    but as for you not being able to continue travelling around, is it because your getting ollldddd, or the little woman demands to see more of you at home, or you are on the FBI most wanted list and need to go into hiding, or………

  2. richard

    Hi Nigel,
    Hopefully no to the first one, no to the second one since about two weeks ago(!) πŸ™ , and hopefully not the third one that I know about! πŸ™‚

    It’s just that it’s getting difficult to justify taking 4 to 5 days (including travel time) to do workshops with only small groups with all the time pressures of the larger workshops and projects. Plus if I do start my PhD it will be even crazier!

  3. Julian

    Tough life, eh, Richard!

    Mind you don’t get sand in your hard drive.

  4. Flossy

    It looks so beautiful where you are Richard. Enjoy the scenery whilst you are having to work, boo hoo!! Oh well at least it must be so much nicer sitting in the sun and having lovely surroundings.

    I am so looking forward to the release of CD9. I cannot imagine the software for all these new great songs.

  5. richard

    It is a bit bad when everyone is in the pool all day! Mind you everyone’s gone out to the Full Moon Party tonight, which I didn’t fancy. But if I can finish today’s work before the bar closes I might just treat myself to a beer!

  6. Liza

    Erm. What’s the saying….don’t work hard, work smart!!!??? Looking forward to CD9 to add to the collection (of which I now have more than ABBA cds…)

  7. Margit

    Koh Samui is a great place to relax while working. Are you in Lamai? If you happen to be at” Bill’s”(that would be funny, though) say Hello and enjoy the Banana pancakes. I kind of envy you a bit, but you definitely deserve it. Have fun!

  8. richard

    I’m in the North where it’s quieter, Lamai’s a little too rowdy to get any work done!

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