Beijing Workshop + Want to Teach in Over Here?

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who turned up to the Beijing workshop – you were amazing! To check out the next workshops, see the schedule page.

Just a quick word to let you know I’ve got an “open to the public” workshop in Beijing next week on Thursday 21st (Update: Thanks to everyone who came!). It’ll be packed with tons of teaching stuff (and maybe a few freebies!) in English with Chinese translations. Price is 500 RMB per person. Email me if you’d like more details in English or here are the details in Chinese (to maybe get your school to pay!)
The leaflet also has a really good general description of Genki English if you’d like to use it to introduce GE to your schools.

Want to Teach in China?

And if you fancy an adventure teaching English in China then I’ve at last found a good recommendation for you: Expertise Education. They’re the group I did the workshop for the other week and the Great Wall trip.

It’s kindergarten so it’s a tough job, but they’re training people this Summer. Full details of the job, pay and a downloadable booklet are on the Teach English in China page. If you apply be sure to tell them I sent you!

Plus I also replied to and emptied all my emails today (wahey!) so if you’ve written and I haven’t replied yet then just try me again, it probably got stuck in spam filters somewhere!

Oh and there are the first Summer Clothes pics on the forum.

Right, see you next Thursday?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

One Response to “Beijing Workshop + Want to Teach in Over Here?”

  1. Martin Wenzel

    I love teaching my kindergarten aged kids. They aren’t tiring at all…actually I tire them out. It is the older kids 1st – 4th graders which are the tiring, frustrating classes. The kindergarten kids love to speak out in English, especially when we play “Teacher Says” where I’m giving commands, a few of the kids start to take over and lead the game and I just laugh and watch as they make their classmates do crazy things like put your nose to someone’s butt. I’m so proud of my little kids.

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