Genki Phonics Lesson Plan – in Video!

OK, here’s what you’ve been waiting for – the brand new Genki Phonics in video!

It’s basically the same system we’ve been using to great success overseas, but completely modified to be used by non-native speaker kids. ย I think you are going to love it!

So grab a cup of tea and sit down for 30 minutes to completely change how you think about phonics!

(Hit the “full screen” button on the bottom right of the video you’ll get the English subtitles!)

P.S. ย If you’d like a version of the workbook and posters in the font your school uses, then let me know the name of the font and I’ll try and get it on my to do list! ย (especially I’d like to know the name of the font used in Japanese junior high – can anyone find out?)

What do you think?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

17 Responses to “Genki Phonics Lesson Plan – in Video!”

  1. Margit

    Richard, the video came out so well.

    I tried it in class today, and the kids love it.
    We are as far as s a t p i n now, so they had to remember the gestures in high speed. But it was no problems. They didn’t want to stop the gesture guessing game.

    With this I wouldn’t mind teaching phonics every day. It’s like magic.

    Thank you

  2. richard

    The Zaner-Bloser one is what I use on the older phonics worksheets but I think there are quite a few differences aren’t there? We probably need to ask some JHS teachers as they can be real sticklers!

  3. julian

    Oh, can’t wait to see this. Just need to find 30 minutes!

  4. hannah

    We did actually all learn reading with phonics and gestures in grade one in primary in Germany. Just in another order. Thanks for the video

  5. Margit

    I haven’t laughed as much in my lessons as this week.
    I tried the phonics with 1st, 5th and 3rd graders.
    They all loved it.
    The 5th graders especially had the biggest fun with gesturing.

    What I noticed is that with this things that usually often lead to spelling miss are cured very easily.
    For example: is it “a” or “e” is it “c” or “k”.

    Also words like “kick” or “sock”, where they usually would have problems in spelling them they remember right away.

    I always thought that phonics were only single sounds put together, but doing it this week I experienced that phonics are visual. The see the word in front of their eye before writing it down, and that’s why they won’t forget it once written down.

    This is amazing.

  6. Janet Gray

    This looks like a winner! You’ve done a great job!

  7. Sevy28

    I’ll try when back to school. Thanks ever so much for your work.

  8. susie zemler

    i cant believe it. i just fell in love with teaching phonics…. the cute games and the hilarious gesturing and the contagious excitement and music and movement that i learned from richards video has put me in the best of moods with a lovely smile my face the whole day long…i love genki… genki forever.. . from susie

  9. Hulya

    I’m on holiday so I just tried it at home on my son. Fun, fun, fun. Now instead of charades, we’ve started to play phonics spelling with the whole family…Thanks!

  10. luz

    its really nice im eager to teach right away

  11. Mรณnica

    I think the way you teach phonics is just amazing. I’m looking forward to trying it with my students in September.

    Thanks a lot for your great ideas and resources.

  12. Yumiko

    At last I saw how to teach GE phonics!!
    Amazing! Sugoi!
    I like the procedure how to teach it to kids. They will love it and never forget. Together with GE songs, what great improvement we can expect of them!
    Thank you!!!

  13. Roger

    I want to watch the video at work but I can’t thanks to the filters! Must remember to watch it at home

  14. Nena

    This is great!
    Too bad all your explanations are in Japanese…though I got the idea! I will definitely use it starting September. The guessing game is FANTASTIC the kids are going to love it! Thanks!

  15. richard

    If you hit the “full screen” button on the bottom right of the video you’ll get the English subtitles!

  16. Tereze

    Hi richard I can’t waitto get to school this morning and start teaching my students to read! I think they will really enjoy it and will be so proud of themselves! Thank you so much for the time and effort you put in to making me a better teacher!!

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