What’s your favourite …? in video

We had a request the other day to see the What’s your favourite ? song in video.

Here’s how to introduce the language – in a fun way of course….

And then the song ….

This is a really popular song, especially with older kids, but as it doesn’t have any “repeat after me” bits then you do need to practice it beforehand.

The kids ask the questions together, then in the chorus they say “I like …” plus a gesture to show the thing they like e.g. they do a sports gesture for sports etc.

It’s really easy to see what that class is into.  Movies? Sport? Food?  Then it helps you pick out what things to base future lessons on to keep them interested!

If you’re still having trouble, try one of the other “favourite” songs first such as

What’s your favourite colour?

What’s your favourite flavour? or

What’s your favourite subject?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

5 Responses to “What’s your favourite …? in video”

  1. Gumby

    Thanks for the demo, Richard! I remember trying to teach it years ago and it not being successful. I think now it was because I didn’t make the meaning very clear. Your demo with the video was very clear and the language is quite useful. It is something students ask me all the time in Japanese. Next year I will teach it to them so they can ask me in English!

  2. Nena

    Like Gumby…I think this is difficult to teach…I believe the kids need to have mastered a few concepts quite well before you can do this…putting word into categories is rather hard. I’ve notice that if you ask kids what’s your favorite color or animal they can answer but when you ask what’s your favorite food, clothes they go huhhh! although I’ve taught it… they have difficulty with the word that categorizes the words they already know. But will keep trying! Nena

  3. richard

    Certainly keep trying! All the categories chosen were all ones that kids asked me in their native language all the time, hence video game, tv show and comic book etc.!

  4. Jesse

    I recently taught my kids about using the question and answer, “What’s your favourite ______?” “My favourite ____ is ____.” A lot of them just seem to have trouble with the word “favourite” since it’s 3 syllables and the sounds don’t really match the look of the word. They love songs though so this should help a bundle!

  5. Emanuelle

    I ask this question for my students and it works a lot. I think it’s important to review the vocabulary before asking them “what’s your favorite…?”. Otherwise they will spend a long time thinking and you will fail. I think it’s important to give them options, for example, if you’re teaching animals, teach some names of animals, not many, show them the options and ask the question, it will be easier for them. Whenever I teach them new vocabulary, I teach four or five new words and ask the question, they will be familirized with it.

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