Are your kids this good yet?

Margit has just sent in this video of her kids pretty fluently making sentences like “I don’t have to eat more vegetables but I can eat more vegetables.”

I must say it sounds very impressive.

Margit says the breakthrough with their English has been using the High School Hip Hop materials even with her younger students. Β  Β  Β ThisΒ languageΒ is taken pretty much directly from one of those lessons: I don’t have, but I can.

As you can see they’ve done very well.

Margit does say she has an ulterior motive though. She figures that if more of you start using theΒ Hip Hop materials it will pursuade me to make more of them. Β Which, judging by this video, it just might!

P.S. The game here is the leapfrog game:

1. Kids start at opposite ends of the cards.

2. They make the sentence using each card.

3. Then “rock, paper, scissors” when they meet.

P.P.S. Β Today is the start of the brand new March comment competition, comment on this post and you might win a Genki English CD of your choice!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

11 Responses to “Are your kids this good yet?”

  1. Sonja

    Well done, Margit and students!

  2. Gumby

    Yes, well done! That’s a mouthful to say, but your students were doing it, all under pressure to be fast. Great job!

  3. Nena

    They’re pretty good…and very excited to participate! Good job!

  4. Renata

    Hi! I am from Poland. This page, games and songs are great.I found this page recently and I am delighted!!!

  5. Olivia

    Hello!! Good afternoon!!

    Congratulations!! This video itΒ΄s very nice because for the kids every time try to win an to be competitive with their classmates; in my opinion itΒ΄s a good way to motive during the class also they can feel more confident speaking english.



  6. Roy Melling


    Haven’t been able to watch the video but will do later (at home).

    It’s my first day at High School and I’ve been told that the students’ level of English is similar to elementary.

    At first I thought that I wouldn’t use games much as they are not kids anymore. However, maybe I should think about using games.

    I’m ready to do my intro lesson armed with some balloons and candy. πŸ™‚

    Such a shame I’m not teaching elementary level πŸ™

  7. Margit

    Richard, thanks for putting this up.
    This video is really short and may sound a bit chaotic with two groups talking at the same time.
    I guess there are few people really in the need of Hip Hop “high level” material as most people here are teaching younger kids, and for older kids schools often decide the material to use.
    But in any case: I think it’s no problem to use these songs from elementary 4th grade (see above), and for JH or HIgh school it can be at least a great warm up.
    “At least” because meanwhile I’ve been making up so many exercises for writing and reading and grammar structures as well, that I think it would be possible to cover a textbook, with using these songs.

    If anybody is interested I will make more videos of games etc. and I can put the link on the forum. It’s quite exciting; for example after this lesson we did a fun game where this time they had to ask about a third person:

    Does he have to go to the dentist?>> Yes he has to go to the dentist. /No he doesn’t have to…

    This has always been such a pain. Always when I thought they got it, they lost it again saying “Does he has” or …But with this it is fun.

    Would be great to get more.

    Roy, I hope you can use the Hip Hop songs at your school. I can’t imagine you teaching without games, after having seen all your videos last year. Please enjoy your High school lessons same as elementary and lets try to figure out many Genki ways to teach them what they need to know in a fun way.

  8. Roy Melling

    Well, I tried to be energetic in class even though some students were shy or sleepy.

    I started with rock, paper (the game) and then moved on to get the students to write down any questions they wanted to ask me. I had a ppt to show the students.

    At the end I blew up a balloon and if the balloon hit a student they had to stand up and say something about themselves.

  9. Eleonora

    Hello everybody!!!
    the video is great!
    Ehi Richard, I’ve been using your CDs for m kids in the elementary school in Italy and I must say they are really excited! Kids love the music, the songs the graphics. It’s my day-by-day “help desk”.
    Thanks again

  10. Rosebud

    that was awesome. They were saying it so fast towards the end. Great job.

  11. Meredith

    This is an excellent game that can be modified for so many levels and lessons. I appreciate you sharing your success in the classroom! Hopefully we will all have the same this semester πŸ™‚

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