20 Tips to Get Motivated & Genki

It’s amazing how much stuff is on the Genki English site. Today, totally by accident, I came across this page of 50 Tips to Get Motivated and Genki. It was written for when you can’t seem to get anything done and want a bit of an energy boost. I’d completely forgotten about it, but it’s a nice bit of fun. Here are the top 20:

  • Jump up and down 20 times.
  • Realise that “if you wait, all that happens is you get old”
  • Eat an ice cream.
  • Imagine if your salary suddenly doubled.
  • Scrunch up your face for 15 seconds (but no longer as your eyes will go funny!)
  • Aim to do two hours work in the next hour.
  • Play a Genki English song really, really loud.
  • Find out how many things in the room are coloured green.
  • You know, the sun is always shining somewhere in the World.
  • Think of another 50 tips to motivate yourself.
  • Throw a paper airplane at your boss.
  • Throw away three things from your desk.
  • Go and smile to the mirror for 30 seconds.
  • Go and make your co-workers a cup of tea.
  • Take a 20 minute walk.
  • Buy a new hat.
  • Organise a staff night out.
  • Write a poem about fish.
  • Think of something good that has happened today.
  • Think of as many uses as you can for a waste paper basket.
  • Tell someone how good they look.
  • Close your eyes and daydream for 1 minute.
  • Go to Starbucks and have a White Chocolate Cafe Latte. Or don’t and feel good at how many calories you’ve saved.

More are here: 50 Tips to Get Motivated and Genki