Are these * too * scary?

Seeing as it’s June, and I’m over in Europe this week, of course I’m working on ……… Halloween topics! πŸ™‚

Gaz has just come up with some new “Haunted House” picture cards for the new Halloween Rooms of the House song.

But what do you think? Β I’d love to get your feedback – and of course that of your students!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “Are these * too * scary?”

  1. Lines

    Today was my last class. Yesterday we celebrate the end of the school term, my pupils ( from 3 years old till 13) celebrate it singing and dancing Genki English song in the school theatre ( 8 groups, 8 different genki english songs) their parents loved all of them, and they had fun with you Richard and your songs so, thank you very much.
    Now I have seen the Halloween rooms and I would like to have another Halloween before my Holidays to show them all the wonderful pictures.This is why genki english is different ,the time flies, the pupils learn a lot and they cry when they have to go to high school because they are going to miss genki english.
    I’m sure, they are going to speak about you and your methot to their new teachers because all of them want to be English teachers, AND ALL OF THEM LOVE ENGLISH.
    Thank you very much because this year has been a hard year for me and with your help I could be genki in my classes and save time for my family.

  2. Emmanuelle

    Hello Richard!
    How spooky!!! lol
    I have taught my 5-6 years old the ” Where is baby monkey ?” lesson and it would be a good review in October…. By then at age 6-7 years old I don’t know if they would be scared. I am sure the boys would enjoy the spooky pictures.

    Last halloween with my 7-11 years old we made ghostly shapes in a soft fabric and they wrote ” ghost ” on them with some glow-in-the-dark markers and one mom said her 8 years old girl kept it hidden cause she was both scared and fascinated by it, epecially at night when it was glowing…. lol

  3. Lines

    I think it’s not scary, because the pictures in every room are great and pupils ( also they are 3 years old) know they are not true. The colours you use are not too scary.
    And Teachers can use this pictures in different way( telling stories,colours,face, vocabulary about the house,compare their house rooms with these rooms, asking questions with where..?, Who…?, When…? What…?, Which…? ,How…?.
    And, of course, pupils love doing and watching something different in Halloween, and these pictures are different to the topic about the house.
    I think it is an excellent job, and I would like to be able to create these kind of materials in order to share with other teachers and do the teaching something different as you do.

  4. Nena

    Hi! The pictures are great for the Halloween theme! I don’t think they’re too scary…besides the kids love this topic
    I totally agree with Lines, about the different uses you can even use these ones and compare them to the regular the normal house.
    keep up the good work…and thanks!

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