Author Archives: Richard Graham

You write a lot of interesting and useful posts. But THIS post changed my outlook and working life completely.

If you’re looking for some new students, or indeed to earn a better wage, Β just have a look at this comment Lana just sent in: Richard, You write a lot of interesting and useful posts. But THIS post changed my outlook and working life completely. I needed to read it and thank God I did….

Winter Sports & games for the Olympics

If you’re not following a set curriculum ( e.g. mine is here) Β then it can sometimes be a bit tricky to get the kids as super enthused after Christmas. Luckily every four years, and this year, we have the Winter Olympics coming around which gives us some great opportunities for extra genkiness in class! So…

A Year of Ideas, Games & Inspirations

Hello, If you’re wanting lots of funky new ideas, to polish up your skills or just a little inspiration, Β here’s what we’ve covered in the last 12 months of Genki English! January – Cold & Goals & Games in video I was in Kiev and we had special game videos ofΒ Super Cute Egg & Rockets.Β &…

Can the kids do the worksheet from the Teacher’s Set after the 45 minutes lesson?

Bernie wrote in to ask: Can the kids do the worksheet from the Teacher’s Set after the 45 minutes lesson? Very good question! With the homework program then yes, 100% no problem and they’ll actually be able to do most of it before you actually teach that lesson. And if you’re not on the homework…

Don’t forget this …

Don’t forget the Happy New Year song for your first lesson of the year – it’s on the “More Holidays” section of your software menu!

A Final Merry Christmas & Last Minute Christmas Ideas

A final Merry Christmas for this year. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so awesome these last 12 months and I’ll see you in 2018!! Be genki, Richard & all the Genki English team. P.S. Β And if you do need a few last minute ideas, here you go.