Author Archives: Richard Graham

Discipline: What would your Karate teacher do?

I get a lot of emails along the lines of “My students sleep in class. Β What can I do?” Β or things like “My students refuse to sit still or do what I say.” My advice is always “Be strong, set the expectation of what is and what isn’t allowed in your class.” For example if…

3 Things Your ESL Curriculum Should Contain

There are a lot of things to consider when designing your ESL curriculum. Β  Β Here I talk about the top 3 most important things I believe we should include: Do let me know what you think in the comments!

30 Day “Positive Words” Facebook Challenge

A brand new “positive words” video each day, for 30 days. Β If you’ve got any students who might be interested, Β share the videos with them. And if you have any positive mindset or habits you’d like me to mention to your students then do let me know – after all we don’t always listen to…

What are your teaching goals for 2017? Let’s achieve them together!

A goal shared is a goal half way reached, Β so let’s work on our teaching goals for 2017 together! Just write them up in the comments and be amazing at what you can achieve!

Brainy Level Lesson Plans

And here we have the updated pages for the Brainy Level 2. I’m going to stop here for the moment until I get all the feedback in. If you have any feedback on the actual lesson plan format, then please put it up in the comments here.Β  (I’ve had both good and bad feedback so…