Author Archives: Richard Graham

Free Teacher Training Workshop: Watch it before it finishes!

UPDATES: Β  These videos are all now part of the Teacher Training Academy!   If you want to learn my secrets of how I teach so many students around the world, the new Teacher Training Academy is opening soon just for you. You’re going to love it. Β And once the academy opens the free online…

Discipline: What would your Karate teacher do?

I get a lot of emails along the lines of “My students sleep in class. Β What can I do?” Β or things like “My students refuse to sit still or do what I say.” My advice is always “Be strong, set the expectation of what is and what isn’t allowed in your class.” For example if…

3 Things Your ESL Curriculum Should Contain

There are a lot of things to consider when designing your ESL curriculum. Β  Β Here I talk about the top 3 most important things I believe we should include: Do let me know what you think in the comments!

30 Day “Positive Words” Facebook Challenge

A brand new “positive words” video each day, for 30 days. Β If you’ve got any students who might be interested, Β share the videos with them. And if you have any positive mindset or habits you’d like me to mention to your students then do let me know – after all we don’t always listen to…

What are your teaching goals for 2017? Let’s achieve them together!

A goal shared is a goal half way reached, Β so let’s work on our teaching goals for 2017 together! Just write them up in the comments and be amazing at what you can achieve!