Author Archives: Richard Graham

Junior High First Lessons Top 5 Tips

If you’re just starting the new school year in Junior High School, Β here are a few pages that should help… Very first lesson of the year in JHS? Β here’s one idea. Usually the textbook gives you “the alphabet” to do first. Β Skip this. Β (The kids already know it and it doesn’t help their English.) Β …

Bigger Please Pizza!

Russell just sent in this great idea to go with the Bigger, please lesson! ——————————– Hi Richard, Just to say I used to do something similar to this with my kindergarten classes, but in a restaurant scenario. 1. You’re the waiter, and start off by eliciting an order. 2. Then you disappear behind the board…

Just Extraordinary!

I hope you are having a fantastic break. It’s always a lot of hard work getting everything ready for you here. Β  Β And one of the best parts of my day is getting really nice emails from all of you. Aaron just sent in this fantastic message, it really cheered up my day! Be genki,…

Get Fluent Quickly Tip 2: The Hidden Benefits of Getting Fluent

Last time we had “Get by, or get fluent” But why should we, as English teachers, make the effort to learn the students’ own language? Well, I’m sure, as a teacher you’veΒ had at least one student ask you β€œWhy learn English?” And it’s exactly the same for teachers learning their language, it is a heck…

Easter Egg Hunt + Games

It’s coming up to Easter again, so my favourite song is of course the Easter Egg Hunt. Check out the lesson plan page for all the cool games such asΒ chocolate monster, broken eggs game, Easter propositions game and more. For crafts and arts, check out the Genki English Easter Pinterest page – it’s got lots…

Last Minute Genki St Patrick’s Day Ideas

If you’re looking for some last minute St Patricks Day arts or crafts (or indeed some green themed genki lessons) then do check out the Genki English St Patrick’s Day Pinterest page. There is a lot of stuff there for you! & Please do share it if you like it, and I’ll see if we…