Author Archives: Richard Graham

New Game: Question Balls

This is a great game sent in by Kawther: The prep…. 1.  Before the lesson get several different colored balls.  They should be around baseball size and soft.  Or you could go crazy and do beachballs if you wish! 🙂 2. Write one question on each ball. The game …. 1.  Sit the kids in…

10 Best Review Games for Teaching English

I’ve had lots of requests this week for games to review for the end of term, so here are my Top Ten Review Games: How many questions? Quick simple no prep review.  A little advanced. Hop to the Dog Put up all the flashcards you’ve done around the room for total chaos fun!  (Needs some…

Where is it? Minicards & Do you want the Phonics First Curriculum?

I hope you enjoyed the Junior High School curriculum post the other day And quite a few people have been asking about the special “Phonics First” Curriculum where you can teach phonics right from the very first lesson. I am of course very reluctant to make it public as it can really hinder your students’…

Junior High School Genki English (New Horizon)

The Japanese government is considering setting a new goal that 70% of Junior High School students should graduate with at least A1 level on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages index by 2024. Apparently some teachers are saying this is “overly ambitious” 🙂 As Genki English has been certified to cover levels A1 and A2,  then we can…

Takasaki City latest City to adopt Genki English

Takasaki City has just become the latest city to purchase Genki English Teacher’s Sets ( or rather the physical Japanese Superpacks) for all the schools in the city. If you’re in Takasaki, welcome on board! Do get in touch and let’s make the program super successful. But in my school …… If you’re not in…

Who knows? Appliqué Game

Tatiana just sent in this very cool and very simple idea from Russia: I would like to share with you one sort of activity that I often use in my lessons. It is applique work. You can do it for different themes. It is a good practice of language and it is something that kids love to…