Author Archives: Richard Graham

How to make grammar drills less boring

Yulis wrote in to ask: Thank you so much for your pack!!! It’s really cool! My kids and adults were impressed! About the question… If you sat next to me I’d like to know how to keep students interested all the time, not only while having fun with them. For example grammar material needs explanation…

New Phonics Stories Covers ( + updates!)

Carolyn very kindly wrote in to remind me that we didn’t have covers for all the VIP phonics poster stories.    So I just added these in now …….    As before, these are at the end of the VIP Genki Phonics Posters file.  The actual stories themselves, however, are after the appropriate phoneme e.g. the “c” story…

Being Happy: “The Reverse Gap”

When I’m doing Body Beast  or Insanity it’s great to look at my muscles. But then I look at my belly and go “Hmmmmm………” It can seem like goals take forever. I also get a lot of emails from teachers saying “In my school they just want me to have fun and not teach anything.” This tends…

Start Your Own School: Who is your avatar? ( + how to crush your competition)

With the school owners training program I get a lot of teachers asking me questions like: The parents here don’t care about quality lessons,  they just want the cheapest.  How do I make them see my lessons are better? or … There is so much competition around.  They have native speakers, cheap prices and are…

Start Your Own School & Double Your School’s Income – Guaranteed!

UPDATE:  And we’re all full up!   Welcome to everyone who got in, this is going to be very exciting! Are you wanting to start your own school?   Or increase the income of your current classroom?  This is for you: Last year we did an awesome 6 week course with some amazing teachers looking to start…

New Game: I wanna …… but I gotta……

Yes, it’s another great game from the ACET teachers.    Originally this was for shapes,…  but of course we can jazz it up! 1.  Put the cut out of the shapes in a bag and put the outline on the board.    The aim is to fill all your shapes! 2.  One kid from each…