Author Archives: Richard Graham

Genki English: Buy One, Give One Free

I don’t really like writing about this publicly ( because I don’t want to get swamped, and equally I don’t want to feel guilty about having Spotify or nice cups of coffee) but lots of people have been writing in so I figured it’s easier to explain here than in individual emails…. So, as you…

Yoga + Genki English Special Class

I know some of you are very much against Yoga in the classroom, Β so this only applies to those of you, and your parents, Β who feel comfortable with it. πŸ™‚ Yet another of Margit’s amazing lessons recently (see the previous ones) Β was to do a 3 hour collaboration lesson with a local Yoga teacher. And…

How to use the computer games with classes?

Flor just wrote in ask: I am about to purchase your complete course of Genki English to teach groups of little kids (4,5,6 years old) However, before I buy it I would like to know how can I use the software games with the pupils, I mean how can I make them play with it…

Antarctica: For super stressed or “got no time” teachers!

Margit is one of those crazy teachers who just seems to get so many impossible things done. Β  Whether it’s being one of the first to try the Homework Program,Β Β  doing video exchanges with students all over the worldΒ orΒ Β writing phonics stories, Just last week she was (seriously!) just doing a live Skype lesson with her…

Silly Phonics Review

If your students have completed the Genki Phonics programmeΒ  here’s a very quick and very silly review! 1. Β Sit the kids on chairs in a row. 2. Β Sing the ABC Phonics Review Song: 3. Β When they sing the letters that are sitting on the line (i.e. Β  a c e i k m n o…

You can fly????!

Katie just wrote in with a great idea of using the “????” sound from the I like animals lesson, but this time with the Superhero! Hello! I’d like to make a suggestion for the Superhero lesson that worked really well for my class. I started off as you do, with the intro and hellos. Then…