Author Archives: Richard Graham

Genki English on a Cinema Screen – in 4K!

It seems that so many people are looking to upgrade their TVs to the latest “4K” ones this year. The thing is that there’s hardly any content for it. Β  The Apple TV doesn’t support 4K, Β the Playstation 4 doesn’t support it. But your Genki English Teacher’s Set does! πŸ™‚ Β And up to cinema size…

Star Wars Day Today!!

Over in the UK Star Wars came out this morning, Β so I’m just about to pop out to the cinema! As soon as your students have seen the movie I’m sure you’ll need to upgrade the Star Wars game to have the new characters. Β  Β Just do a Google search for Rey, Finn or Kylo…

The Teacher’s Set as a Christmas Present

First of all congratulations to all of you who have been receiving Genki English Teacher’s Sets as Christmas Presents – you certainly have some wonderful husbands and wives out there! πŸ™‚ And also quite a few of you have been asking about giving the Teacher’s Set as a Christmas Present. It’s all downloads these days…

Christmas Ladders Game

This is a great game I used for classes (or parties) where I didn’t see the kids that often, so their skills weren’t that hot yet, Β but I still wanted to do some long form listening with them. And it’s also one of those games where I first though “meh” Β but then tried it myself…

What would you like for Christmas magic!

Want to impress your students beyond belief? Well, try this little magic trick to go with the What would you like for Christmas? lesson If you’re on a PC or Mac you can see the interactive version here: ThenΒ VIP members have the printable version (with instructions and A4 cards) so you can take all the…

Santa & Snowman Avatars – Great for Christmas Games

Here is a fantastic way of counting points in any Christmas Games (see part way down this page for some great ideas!Β ) Both teams start out as cute little Snow people or Santa: Β    And then you work your way up ( as the teacher awards points in the game) and you become bigger…