Author Archives: Richard Graham

Easy 12 Days of Christmas Song

Update:  I just added pdf mini cards for VIP members!   Wow, Trevor’s comics were certainly popular! Here’s something else that might also be …..  it’s a version of the 12 Days of Christmas,  but with easy vocab items. The teachers on the forum came up with the lyrics – thank you Roy! 12 Candy…

Trevor’s Genki English Comics!

A lot of teachers love to join Genki English themes together into plays & stories, especially at the end of term.   Ninja Tip:  In fact there are several dozen of these on the VIP forum. I also know lots of teachers are wanting extra reading practice for when their kids have finished the Genki Phonics. Trevor,…

Homework Program Applications Now Open (Till Friday) + iOS & 2016 Calendars.

Update:  And we’re now closed!  Keep an eye on the blog to see when I’ll next be opening it up! Parents generally fall into two categories,  the “Monster” parents who set super high expectations and expect them to be filled,  and the “baby sitter” parents who don’t really do anything and just treat English class…

Advanced Adults: Transform your Students’ Lives with Superhero Gratitude

We’re at the other end of the spectrum today with one of the most amazing worksheets you can do with advanced* adult students. Just one worksheet and it will change everything you do. 🙂 (* by advanced here I mean all the way up to medical, legal, CEO level of English.  If your adults aren’t here yet,…

Brainy Level Kindergarten Workbook

For those of you who were away over the Summer, you might not have seen Amye’s latest Kindergarten Workbook, this time for the Brainy Level lessons.     As with Amye’s Adventure level book they are for use in situations where you see the kids everyday.  (You have much more pressing things to do if you only…

First Christmas Look + Santa 3rd Person “s”

It’s coming up to that time of year again …..  so if you want to get lots of very Genki memories this Christmas, try some of the best Genki English Christmas songs or games. There’s plenty to keep you occupied, and learning, from the hugely popular Gingerbread Man play to Christmas  Shapes, body parts, How many?, Colors / Colours, prepositions, What…