Author Archives: Richard Graham

Don’t be too hard on the kids

Whilst I’m always wanting you to think bigger (and it’s amazing what you can achieve in  just 6 months,  or even just 6 weeks)  it’s always important to remember that time is still important.   Patience. As a case in point, here’s a very cute picture from my 7 year old (native speaker) niece. So the next…

Coffet Workshop Review!

Filipino teachers are fantastic.  (And the food is very masarap!) Thanks to everyone who came to this weekend’s workshop in Tokyo, you were fantastic! It was so good to see such a huge turnout of so many amazingly genki teachers. Here’s a little of what we did …. Disco Warm up – to get everyone genki…

New Game: Hop to the Dog!

It’s all been a bit serious last week,  so let’s start off the new term with something quick & silly to review some verbs & animals! 1. Pre-teach some silly action words in the warm up e.g.  hop, skip, jump, bow, wiggle, stretch  or even cartwheel if you are feeling adventurous! 2. Put today’s animal…

How to Update to Latest Volumes

UPDATE:   This offer has now finished!  Congratulations to everyone who took part!   Thanks to all of you purchasing the Teacher’s Set (and all of you who told your friends to purchase it!) over the last two weeks we’ve just had another record breaking September. That means there’s more time, and more resources, I can…

It’s only 6 weeks away ……

Ahhh…. we just get back after the Summer holidays  (or Winter working in my case!) and what happens? Yep, everyone starts asking me about Halloween ideas! 🙂 We now have a huge selection of full Halloween lessons,  Halloween games, songs, stickers, masks, posters, everything you need over on the Genki Halloween page.   Haunted House…

Genki Phonics Workshop in Video – the quickest way to learn to read

Want the fastest (and probably easiest) way to teach reading? That would be phonics,  and hopefully  Genki Phonics, of course. I’ve just uploaded the first part of the Genki Phonics workshop from Slovakia so you can see how I do it. You’ll find: The reason I had to write Genki Phonics, and what’s wrong with…