Author Archives: Richard Graham

Using AI for lots of example sentences & English speaking practice!

I wrote this up for the Facebook live today and didn’t get to use it, so I thought I’d add it here. Β  I’ll cover: How to get lots of example sentences, so you can jump from conscious competence to unconscious competence with grammar. How you can personalise content for each individual student according to…

Do you like this new song?

Hello, I hope all is well! I’m back in the UK this week to attend the IATEFL conference in Harrogate.Β  ( Are you going?) And whilst I’m here I have my studio back so I can work on new songs for you! This is the first one,Β  would you like me to record it for…

The “Magic Wand” question to get a constant stream of new students!

Hey there, my friend! There’s this one super-easy question (and just a few follow-up queries) that separates those rockstar teachers with an endless line of students from the ones who barely get anyone to show up (or, even worse, end up stuck with mismatched students and parents that crank up the stress levels). So, check…

Some HUGE advantages to doing this …

How would you like to have …. Less stress in class Be able to reach all your kids equally no matter their current level or speed of learning Get your kids (and fossilized adults!) to have AMAZING pronunciation Get the same results in less time Have parents see the progress of their kids and …….

The Genki Grammar Book is Here! Say Goodbye to Boring Grammar Lessons, Forever?

Hey, Amazing English Teacher! You know, I’ve been hearing from countless teachers like yourself, all struggling with the same problem: teaching grammar to older kids! And let’s face it, who can blame them? Most of the example sentences out there are so monotonous, they could put a caffeinated squirrel to sleep. β˜•οΈ 🐿️ πŸ’€ But…

πŸ”„ πŸŽ‰ Back to the Flipped Classroom & How to Get Parents Onboard!

Hello, Lots of you were really interested in the Flipped Classroom idea last week. And …. also lots of you had lots & lots of questions and fears about how it works or not. The biggest fear was ….. πŸ™€Β  “Parents want fluent kids but don’t have time to (or just won’t) help at home”…