Author Archives: Richard Graham

🌈 Teaching Colors: Ninja Colours!

We’ve had the Baby Monkey Ninja in a few lessons (and even a whole level of the curriculum is the Ninja Level!) , but the problem was the pictures never looked colorful enough to brighten up your day like the other Genki English images. So ….. yesterday I had the idea, why not do Ninjas…

To Increase Your Teaching Income You Only Need 3 Things

I’m seeing a lot of people telling teachers to start selling “digital products” to try and increase their income, mainly because they want to try and sell you a “digital product” πŸ™‚ I even saw one teacher selling a business course on how she made $1000s in a month teaching online. Β What she didn’t say…

The Easiest Game: “Talk me through it …. “

One really useful phrase you can use in adult or higher level classes or when you have plenty of time is “Talk me through it ….” So, for example, if you’re teaching clothes in English with “He/She’s wearing….”, just bring up the big Oscar Lunch photo and just say “Talk me through it…” Β  Β …

😱 1 Million Views on Instagram! ( + 15m on Tik Tok!)

I’ve been trying a few new things on Instagram this past month and it has gone a little crazy! One of the videos just got 1,029,776 views! So if you want to check out what Genki English looks like on an iPad, check out the reels below or you can sign up your students so…

🌈 10 Creative & Fun Ways to Elevate Smartphone Safety at School & Home πŸ πŸ“š

Rather than banning phones, you can start with just a few simple tweaks to make them safer for you and your family. Here’s what I do: Learn How It Pulls Your Strings 🎭: Check out “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix to find out how phones manipulate you (and your kids!) into constantly picking them up….