Author Archives: Richard Graham

Baby Monkey Board Game

There are so many cool videos of games being put up on the members‘ forum at the moment. This is another one from Flossy on how to build a Baby Monkey board game to go with the rooms of the house theme. At first you are thinking “well that looks a bit simple” but watch…

Richard’s Weekly Video Lessons

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this on the blog before, but a couple of months ago I started a weekly video series for students in Japan. Most of the time I just introduce a “Cool Phrase of the Week“, but this week it’s an “urawaza” a trick to help you get fluent! It’s very simple…

Imagination Video

Flossy has sent in this fantastic video of the Imagination Worksheets that her students have done in Austria. It never fails to amaze me how differently every child sees these sheets, they are amazing! If you don’t have a lot of time in class (I think that’s everyone!) , Flossy apparently gives them out as…

Animals Game

I’ve just uploaded another series of games to the Learn Spanish site. It’s proving very popular with kids especially in the States. If you don’t use the Genki English computer games in class or for homework yet, have a try of Spanish versions yourself to see how they work. But BE WARNED: you’ll soon be…

Kindergarten Songs

It’s been mostly elementary school things over the last few weeks. But requests for kindergarten ideas keep arriving all the time, so here are some great little videos from Ms. Lucky in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong you might think everyone speaks English already, but outside the privileged elite most people only speak Cantonese, hence…

Eat! Drink! Dance!

Here’s a new “Eat! Drink! Dance!” TPR style warm up song that features only the command versions of the verbs in the “What do you want to do?” and CD2’s “What are you doing?” songs. It makes the other two songs much easier to teach! The best part is where the kids freeze on the…