Author Archives: Richard Graham

The winners are…

The random winners of December’s and January’s blog comment competition areΒ  ….Β  Yumiko and Margit. I guess having lots of comments really does work! Well done. The prize is a Genki English CD or DVD of your choice (although I have a feeling it might be the new CD9!) If any of you would like…

Academic Research: Genki English Very Promising Results

Of course we all know Genki English works great because we see it every time on the kids’ faces. But especially on the hard days or when it seems like somethings will never sink in, or when head teachers or boards of education are grilling us, it would be great to have some solid numbers…

Genki Man B&W A4 cards

The new I’m a superhero! I can… song is proving immensly popular. We’re still designing and testing the pictures to go with the song, but I’ve had requests for the black and white outline pictures that I’ve been using so far. So here they are, click on the images in the right of the I’m…

Can you speak …? A4 Cards

I’m currently testing some ideas for A4 cards to go with the new “Can you speak English/French/Chinese etc.” theme.Β  Two great ideas over on the members forum were to add in the script for each language and to try and include every country that uses that language!Β  As you can tell below it produces some…

Barack loves you

Here’s a great quote I just read in Barack Obama’s “The Audacity of Hope”Β Β  I wish all politicians would write books before they get into power, this guy is amazing.Β  Anyway, here’s your quote for the day: “Recent studies show that the single most important factor in determining a student’s achievement isn’t the color of…

Best Ever Tokyo Gig

Yesterday I flew to Japan for a huge book fair in Tokyo. I used to do loads of these but stopped for a few years as a) everyone already had all the CDs and b) there’s not really that much you can do in a hour. But seeing as I’ve spent so much time abroad…