Author Archives: Richard Graham

Valentine’s Bucket full of Broken Hearts

Gaz has been in super drive mode preparing 40 Broken Hearts game/worksheets to go with the Valentine Broken Hearts Game.Β Β  He’s also been super kind enough to share them, there are loads of them so be sure you have a fast internet connection! (rules of the game are here) If you’re not a member…

On the Beach, China & Your Home Town

Last week I was in very expensive Tokyo working on the software for CD vol. 9 and thought “you know I could be doing this anywhere.” So now I’m living on the beach in wonderful, and very cheap, Koh Samui. It’s very nice and even just having a couple of extra hours of daylight makes…

I want to be .. Game + New Photo Cards

Nigel has sent in a great game based on the Pink Fish game that perfectly links “What do you do?“with “What do you want to be?” 1. Put several jobs picture cards, face down, at one side of the room. 2. Put another set of cards on the other side of the room, again face…

Snowman song for February!

I always thought of the “Let’s build a Snowman” song for December, but judging by the news this morning for those of you in Europe,Β  it looks like February might be the best month for it! So enjoy the snow, the “Let’s build a Snowman” song and of course the super operatic Winter Clothes song!…

The winners are…

The random winners of December’s and January’s blog comment competition areΒ  ….Β  Yumiko and Margit. I guess having lots of comments really does work! Well done. The prize is a Genki English CD or DVD of your choice (although I have a feeling it might be the new CD9!) If any of you would like…

Academic Research: Genki English Very Promising Results

Of course we all know Genki English works great because we see it every time on the kids’ faces. But especially on the hard days or when it seems like somethings will never sink in, or when head teachers or boards of education are grilling us, it would be great to have some solid numbers…