Author Archives: Richard Graham

Warm ups in order

It was back to more training sessions (same teachers) this morning. And they did really well. The Genki English curriculum you have is purposefully non-linear so you can change the lessons to your students needs. But in India and China I’ve given them sets of 20 lessons to do in a set order. The nice…

Competition Winner

The winner of comment competition for last month was:Β  Yorkii Congratulations! If you’d like a chance to win a Genki English CD of your choice this month then just get commenting.Β  One comment will be chosen at random to win the prize.Β  The more you comment the more chances you have to win!

Great Wall of China & Birthday Eggs

EDIT:Β  The Youtube video below works now! It’s your Sunday day off in China, so what do you do? You go to the Great Wall! I always thought it would be way out in the middle of nowhere, but it’s right next to Beijing. You just pop on the highway for less than an hour…

Day 3 & Chinese School Lunch

Yes it’s Saturday, and yes we have teacher training and yes the kids are in school as well. Working hard seems to be second nature here. Genki English This morning was supposed to be simply getting the teachers to teach another Genki English lesson each. But word seemed to have got out because we had…

Day 2 Blues & Chinese Food

Regular readers will know that day 2 is always the hardest in any training. Day 1 is always “Wow, this is amazing”. Day 2 is “Wooo, we’ll never be able to do this”. Luckily day 3 is usually “Wow, we can do this!”. This morning started off well enough with going through the phonics lesson…

Teaching in China

I have to be a little careful how I blog about this trip for various reasons. Let’s just say that we’re not working with the rich posh schools nor the government schools. The project here is to help children who really are poor get an excellent education, which can sometimes by a complicated business! Anyway…