Author Archives: Richard Graham

Shrines & Techno Toilets

After not taking any photos in India last month and regretting it, I went out and bought myself a Casio EX-S10 camera (looks great, very easy to carry) and I’m glad I did because after 5 hours on the train today I arrived in Kumano City in Mie ken (the place of tomorrow’s workshop). This…

Living in Tokyo

I’ve just spent the last week in Tokyo. I think it’s been my best week of year so far. Jet lag had me fully awake from 4AM so I just ploughed on through and got so much work done. It’s amazing how much I got done. Well the saying goes that if you want to…

What color is the sky?

It seems that Japan is a haven of amazing teaching materials produced by foreign teachers.Try this by Koomakids in Kumamoto, then try getting it out of your head. I was very impressed!

What you really want to eat

As promised here are some of the ideas I picked up from Hokkaido’s Yorozuya Sensei’s workshop the other day. I’ve added in some extra bits, but his main theme was to try and get some real exchange of information instead of simply practising the English. The latter is fine, but the former is of course…

How to Revolutionize Education

Today I was asked by one of the big American cable companies (I don’t think I can tell you which one, but you’ve certainly heard of them) to pop along to their Tokyo offices for a chat. I wasn’t quite sure why, but popped along anyway. It turns out they were wanting to ask me…

How to Learn Chinese for Free

If you’ve ever fancied learning a little Chinese (just in time for the Olympics!) then site is now live. There are six games on there (numbers, months, colours, countries, left & right & body parts) and the design needs finishing off, but they work really well. After I finished coding them up I was…