Author Archives: Richard Graham

What you really want to eat

As promised here are some of the ideas I picked up from Hokkaido’s Yorozuya Sensei’s workshop the other day. I’ve added in some extra bits, but his main theme was to try and get some real exchange of information instead of simply practising the English. The latter is fine, but the former is of course…

How to Revolutionize Education

Today I was asked by one of the big American cable companies (I don’t think I can tell you which one, but you’ve certainly heard of them) to pop along to their Tokyo offices for a chat. I wasn’t quite sure why, but popped along anyway. It turns out they were wanting to ask me…

How to Learn Chinese for Free

If you’ve ever fancied learning a little Chinese (just in time for the Olympics!) then site is now live. There are six games on there (numbers, months, colours, countries, left & right & body parts) and the design needs finishing off, but they work really well. After I finished coding them up I was…

A ship called Japan

Today I was invited by the Seigakuin University to do 2 lectures to teachers and students near Tokyo. Usually after being abroad I get really depressed with the state of teacher training in Japan. This morning some of it was as boring as anything with very dodgy English being taught, but generally things were pretty…

Amsterdam to Tokyo

Amsterdam airport have a new toy. It’s a funky 3D body scanner. So now you not only have to take off your shoes, take off your belt, take out your computer, leave behind your deodorant, leave behind your bottles of water so you’re smelly and de-hydrated on the flight, but now they also search your…

Korean Home Pack

If you teach in Korea, here’s something that will interest many of your pupils’ parents, a new Genki English Korean Home Pack (Page in Korean). It’s basically the collection of 6 Genki English CDs with a free Black & White MiniCards Book. But as there is no access to the online Owners Club nor the…