Author Archives: Richard Graham

Okinawa & Tokyo Details

UPDATE: Β Thanks to everyone who came to these workshops! Β To find out the next time I’ll be in town, check out the schedule page here! I’ve just got through the details of my (nearly a) week long workshop in Okinawa. I’ll be doing sessions on the 29th, 30th and 31st, with the aim of getting…

High Definition

There’s lots of buzz these days about High Definition TV (HDTV) and High Definition Gaming. So you might be pleased to know that your Genki English CDs are also High Definition! All you have to do is to plug a suitable computer into your HDTV and you’ll see all the Genki English songs, pronunciation guides,…

Last few days!

Get ’em while they’re hot, it’s the last few days for several of the Internet Exclusive bonus songs. Namely: How many do you have? Hip Hop Numbers What’s your favourite flavour? Download them now because from next week they’ll be taken offline to make room for some more new songs over the Summer. Particularly the…


I got an interesting email from Nicoletta this week. She was wanting to play all the Genki English songs her kids have done so far as background music (BGM) during colouring or painting time. The idea being it’s giving them added exposure to the songs and the English. I think that sounds like a great…

UK languages BBC

The BBC have put up an article showing how the new UK government aim of giving every primary school child the chance to learn a foreign language is getting on: More primaries teaching languages There isn’t much new in the report, but it does reflect the situation in many other countries. If you know any…

Story Nory

The fairy stories I put on the site last year have become quite popular with teachers wanting to brush up their English whilst reading something they enjoy. The interactive dictionary (where you hover over a word to get a translation) is probably what makes it work. The next step of course is to actually hear…