Author Archives: Richard Graham

Soccer Game Danger Monkey

There’s been some great feedback on the forum about the various Genki English songs, here are some comments from Flossy in Austria about CD7 with some nice ideas for the soccer theme and a warning about Baby Monkey! Come on Come on – The football song was a massive hit . They gave it lots…

Win a trip to Disneyland

It’s not often that I find something useful in publishers’ newsletters, but today’s from Longman Pearson had a couple of useful bits & pieces. One is an “academic article” from Aleda Kraus about why music is good in class. I like how she distinguishes between songs and chants, and why songs are better! >> (English)…

Writing Stories

On one of the recent discussion boards someone was asking about writing stories for homework and whether students needed a lot of grammar or vocab to be able to do it. Here’s my reply, I thought you might find it useful too! ——————————————————————————— I’ve also had great success with stories and it can be really,…

Planet Eigo in the Yomiuri

Yesterday the Daily Yomiuri Newspaper in Japan did a “review” of the Planet Eigo book. If you haven’t ordered the book yet you might want to have a read at what they say. Since I mentioned about the book in the Genki English newsletter this month we sold out of the first batch we received…

Trains not Cars

Usually when you get off a flight, having to mess around with timetables and connections on the trains can be really tiring, well at least it is for me. I find it so much easier to just pack my bags in a rent-a-car and off you go. But as far as immersing yourself in the…

Teacher Training on DVD

The Genki English Teacher Training Video has become a bit of a life saver for people doing elementary workshops in Japan. You simply pop on the video and in an hour you have a room full of teachers who are now confident and have a much better idea of how to go about things. It’s…