Author Archives: Richard Graham

Trains not Cars

Usually when you get off a flight, having to mess around with timetables and connections on the trains can be really tiring, well at least it is for me. I find it so much easier to just pack my bags in a rent-a-car and off you go. But as far as immersing yourself in the…

Teacher Training on DVD

The Genki English Teacher Training Video has become a bit of a life saver for people doing elementary workshops in Japan. You simply pop on the video and in an hour you have a room full of teachers who are now confident and have a much better idea of how to go about things. It’s…

Junior High Worksheets

There is a whole page of Junior High games on the site and the Planet Eigo (games, ideas & theory) & Textbook Trail (lesson plans and worksheets) books are really popular. But one thing I’ve always wanted to do was to have a list of each chapter in the Junior High Textbooks and have a…

100s of free printable menus

Although the Genki English Food & Drinks menu games (see the worksheets on the lower right of this page & this page) work really well for beginners, for more advanced classes real authentic menus are what’s called for. You’d think there would be a whole stack of them on the net, but it takes ages…

A free printable cut out village

It’s not very often that I come across a website and go “Wow!”. But that’s just what I have for you today: First of all I loved their illustrations and what looks like an excellent selection of Easter activities. But then I came across this, a whole printable cut-out village! They have over a…

Double Easter Egg Karuta

It’s newsletter day today and this month’s game is “Double Easter Egg Karuta“. Another idea I heard about was to flip over the traditional Easter Egg Hunt, where the kids hide the Easter eggs and then tell you where they are in English e.g. in the desk, under the bookcase etc. You time and see…