Author Archives: Richard Graham

Do you like dog?

I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve seen that question on school lesson plans or actually being taught by Japanese teachers! It’s not the most serious mistake in the world, but doesn’t sound very cool, and you wouldn’t get away with teaching 7 + 2 = 8 in maths, so why allow it…

Dinosaur Survival

The blog’s been a bit quiet this week, I’ve been busy working on new stuff ( see later in the week!) For today here are some great new games that have been sent in: “Model my Body” ( JHS body parts) “Dinosaur Survival” ( directions ) “King of the Hill” ( review) “Tug of War“(…


If you happened to live in Kagoshima ( or anywhere within an hour or two’s travel), today’s JALT Conference was certainly worthwhile. Although some of the workshops were a little dubious ( fruit basket!), some of them were really good and there were so many of them! Unfortunately two of the ones I wanted to…

If you had a Million Dollars..

The worksheet I put up the other week for the “Where’s the …?” hip hop track has proved really popular since I’ve started demoing it in workshops. Originally the songs were intended for learners to listen to on their ipods, but it seems lots of teachers are having great success with using them in normal…

World Cup Special Song & Game

I was supposed to get all this on the site yesterday, but hopefully today is not too late to catch the big Japan vs. Brazil game tomorrow night! First up we have a funky MP3 download of the new Genki English World Cup Song. It’s a really great warm up, and has lots of useful…

Akita – Kids Club & Adults

Today was very topsy turvey. This morning started out with a show for the kids in the city sponsored kids club. Every Saturday the kids meet for English classes taught by members of the community. If all the primary school teachers in town were doing their jobs, I guess the city wouldn’t need this club,…