Author Archives: Richard Graham

Is it too late to double your teaching income this year?

It almost seems a little strange to be writing something like this when so many others are going through crazy financial times right now. But, as has been proved time and time again, Β education is one of those fields where parents never really cut back. Some do drop out, some want to go online only,…

πŸ– Whilst some teachers are on holiday, students are doing this ( 1 million views in a day!)

Hello, We just took 3 days off by the seaside which was very nice! So whilst it’s really important to take time off (and throughout the year!) Β it can be a big mistake for English teachers to take the whole summer off. “Why is that?” I hear you cry πŸ™‚ It’s because these days the…

Virginie’s end of year play – with lots of videos!

Virginie has just done her end of year play and has taken lots of videos to give you inspiration! Β  Here we go …. At last! After 2 years of online projects, we can finally perform on stage! As some of you know, I like telling a short story to link all of the songs…

How do you actually make money teaching?

I read a lot about goals and motivation. But there’s very little out there on how to actually make money. Especially in the internet enabled world. So, from experience doing several million dollars in sales ….   You make money when you have something that someone else wants that they can’t get cheaper or more…

Interview with Aiko Sensei on how to teach kids, pronunciation & curriculum for adults

Last week I did a great Instagram live with Aiko Sensei Β who is a pronunciation coach for executives and celebrities based in Hawaii. The talk was aimed at parents who want to help their own kids, but there were lots of fantastic ideas for teachers too! Aiko and I had a great time and we…

Get by or Get fluent!

What to do if you don’t speak the students’ language?   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Richard Graham – GenkiEnglish! (@genki_richard_graham) Check out the other posts in this series: Get Fluent Quickly Tip 1: Β What does β€œfluent” mean anyway? Get Fluent Quickly Tip 2: The Hidden Benefits of Getting Fluent…