Author Archives: Richard Graham

Phonics “a b c” Song

The other day I popped into see the ACET teachers at their monthly meeting in Fukuoka. They are a great bunch of people with lots of energy and ideas! One of the ideas they presented was an “ABC” rap, which was really good. What shocked me though was that some teachers in were still teaching…

Japanese Mobile Phones, eh?

A few years ago I used to really love coming back to Japan after a couple of months ( or sometimes even weeks!), and be amazed at all the new hi tech stuff that had been released whilst I was away. It was also lots of fun laughing at everyone in the UK as they…

My Languages Portfolio

As many of you probably know, the EU is heavily into promoting languages at the primary school level. The often quoted aim is to have all kids to have three languages by the time they leave school. So along with lots of research they also provide lots of very nice resources. These are sometimes of…

Annoying Microsoft

If you’ve got a Japanese Windows machine, it’s probably updated itself over the last few days. Usually these updates just bug fixes, but the new one is annoying in the extreme. What it does is make you click before allowing any “flash” files to play. “Flash” is the tool I use to do things like…

Doraemon, Mario Tracer, Tron Games

I was looking through my inbox today to try and get up to date with all my emails, when I came across a load of Readers’ Games that I hadn’t put up on the site yet. So you now have Gemma Fishers’ “Doraemon & Dorami Game” ( He, She, etc.) & Josh Katz’ “Mario Tracer…

For the World Cup, !

It’s taken a while, but just in time for the World Cup we have Songs & Games for learning German –! This was a project we’d been discussing when I was over in Germany, of taking some of the Genki English songs and translating them into German. And they have turned out very well,…