Author Archives: Richard Graham

CD1 is finally out and Genki German!

Yeah!!!! The new version of CD1 is finally out, and I can breathe a sigh of relief. It’s been really frustrating over the last few months as I’ve been working on the new CD 1 materials, and testing and using them in schools and lessons, but I haven’t been able to talk about it on…

A great deal on Kids English

One good thing about being away is that my phone doesn’t work. I still spend a couple of hours each day doing email, but when I got off the plane last night within 10 minutes my phone was ringing! As it happens though there’s some really good news. Long term readers may remember the “Kids…

Genki Korean?

Today was also a really, really cool day. Out for a very nice Sunday lunch, with some very cool people. Then a great tour around all the local sites, including a massive big Buddha and a fizzy hot spring – I kid you not! I was also chatting with one of the teachers there and…

Korea – Big Workshop!

Today was the main reason for popping over to Korea, two Genki English workshops at the KOTESOL Symposium. Korea is much further along than Japan, but still runs into the same sorts of problems, i.e. how to get the kids having fun whilst still progressing with their lessons. Hence the workshops went down great. Everyone…

Off to Korea!

It’s travel time again! As usual I was in “computer-work-mode” before I set off and wasn’t wanting to set off, but once I did it’s all very exciting. It’s my 3rd trip to Korea ( 2nd this year!), but I hadn’t been to Seoul Station before ( great food and very friendly people), and now…

Fukuoka – What to teach and how to teach it…

In between packing for Korea tomorrow, today was spent putting yet more video on the Japanese version of the site. Today’s two are probably the most important as they are the two most popular problems that Japanese teachers have when teaching by themselves; what English to teach, and what to do about pronunciation. They are…