Author Archives: Richard Graham

Olympic Medals Game

Have you been watching the snowboarding? Pretty good stuff. One great game for the Olympics is to everyday print out the medals table in English from the Torino website. Then… Give each group a copy. Ask a question, such as “How many medals does Finland have?” The quickest team to answer is the winner. Draw…

Horse or Horse?

Pictures can be tough. They have to portray the meaning you’re after, can be seen from the back of the class ( have a wander to the back when your cards are on the wall to check!), whilst still being cute and funny. Funny being very important, kids who laugh at a card remember it…

Word Flowers

I had an interesting email from a Genki English reader in Iraq this week. He’s been producing “Word Flowers”, which look like they could be really useful for Junior High kids or for some word play. Have a look at his site: “Word Flowers” Very topical for Valentine’s Day tomorrow!

Italian but not Spanish

It’s my birthday tomorrow, so we all went out tonight. There were also a lot of Spanish people in town who had just arrived that afternoon in Leeds. Now I was really happy with how good my Spanish got last year ( after learning with the Pimsleur courses for just 3 weeks), but everything I…

Animal Mini Cards

One other popular request on the “Wishlist” section of the forum and in emails has been Mini Cards for the Animals1 and Animals2 themes. So for all you lucky CD owners out there, here they are – enjoy! UPDATE: I’ve just put black & white ones up too!

Songs, Games, Projects, Addicts

One topic of late has been how to fit Genki English into a longer, full time, multi year course of study. At the moment there are 40+ lessons on site which if you include reviews comes out to around 60 lessons, or 80 if you double each one up to two lessons a theme. I’ve…