Author Archives: Richard Graham

Video is fun

Sometimes I don’t know how I keep all this together, being a publisher and author plus touring is not an easy job! I guess the fact that I’m still working in a coffee shop at 11PM on a Friday night has something to do with it! Got the newsletter sent out this week, and I’ve…

a real blog…

I was thinking the other day that I should make this in to a real blog, talking about hot news and ideas. The thing is you look at the teaching scene and there isn’t really much going off, except for Dr Krashen losing any sense of credibility on the ETJ list by insisting speaking isn’t…


Had a meeting this afternoon with Gina Whittle from New Zealand Life Tours. They have some great exchange courses, including a great “Farm Stay” and even a “learn English whilst diving” holiday! They look really cool, and it’ll be great to introduce them to teachers who are looking to take things a little bit further…

Genki in Kyoto

It was strange waking up in a Japanese room today, it felt like I was back in Ehime. Anyway over breakfast I figured that things were probably going to be like yesterday ( not many people), so instead of a full on whiz through all the CD5 songs I’d just do a small group thing…

Nagoya Maruzen and Culture Shock Kyoto

Up and early and out to Maruzen Bookstore. Today’s workshop was again in a separate room ( apparently last time old people were complaining about the noise!), it was a smaller group ( 15-20) of people who already knew Genki English and as I have another workshop here next month I figured I’d just do…

in Nagoya

One minute you’re waking up in the Keio Plaza, one of the poshest hotels in the country, and the next you’re waking up in a capsule in Nagoya! Well it must have been comfortable as I didn’t wake up till 10 AM. The only bad point is that you can’t charge your computer while you…