Author Archives: Richard Graham

Forum hacked!

The discussion board has been taking up a lot of time recently, and I woke up today to find it had been hacked! I can’t believe how some people just get their kicks out of taking down a site’s forum, especially something like the Genki English one. It looks like a common attack and there…

It’s full!

Dave Stewart once said “You never finish an album, there just comes a point where you have to let go”. Over the past few weeks I’ve been putting more and more in to CD5, and I’ve now come up against another barrier – a CD can’t hold any more! So that’s it, it’s finished! Last…


Ooo! Big Earthquake! I’ve been spending half the year, or sometimes more, in Japan for about 7 years now and in that time I’ve had quite a few earthquakes. To be honest most of them are like “oo, an earthquake” and it’s all quite exciting and passes after a bit. But today’s started out like…

Trying to get the CD finished…

I was definitely right to get away from Japan to work on the CD! This week I’ve spent nearly all day on the phone, doing emails or generally sorting out business type stuff, without getting anything done on the CDs!! Argh!! There have also been a few problems on the forum, some people just don’t…

CD5 in Fukuoka!

I always look forward to Fukuoka events as the teachers here are probably the most genki and inventive in the country! Mind you today was in a building way out of the usual places so it was a different crowd in. It was also snowing outside! Anyway I started off with Good Morning and Easter,…

CD5 in Kyoto

I got up early this morning and headed off to the Maruzen presentation. I got things set up and hung around to watch one of the other publisher’s presentations. Oh dear. This is the culture shock again, but the teachers just looked dead, there weren’t half as many as expected, they weren’t getting really simply…