Author Archives: Richard Graham

In Tokushima + Awaodori

Over the last few weeks all of the workshops have been in places where the teachers are actually having to teach English right now, so are in the “help, we need teaching ideas quick!” mode. Whereas today I was invited by the Educational Research office ( who are very much into things), but the actual…

Back to Japan

One of the other great tips I got from the American Forces Network TV ( other than “Breakfast. Just eat it.”), was where to sit on public transport. They have an advert saying you should sit near the window on a plane ( as terrorists pick on people in aisle seats!!), and in aisle seats…

Okinawa – Music, Music

Now this is what Okinawa’s all about, glorious sunshine! It was a fantastic morning so I got all my work done as quickly as possible ( it’s funny being on the phone to Hokkaido when I’m down here!), then hopped on the bus to today’s hotel. And very nice it is too, with a great…

Workshop in Okinawa & the CIA

CIA So today was the main reason I’m down here in Okinawa, to attend a panel discussion and give a 2 hour workshop at the Okinawa JShine Conference. Things were very well organised and the people in charge certainly did a very good job and we ended up with 100 people there. Things started off…

Okinawa, well the food’s nice!

Holiday over, back to work today. Things started off with a workshop for the sales people of our Okinawa distributor. Usually that’s just a case of going through the needs teachers have, how Genki English meets them, and why it’s so much better than anything out there ( hey, it’s a sales workshop!) But the…

Okinawa – Not impressed!

So there’s a typhoon. But I still managed to get most of my work done before lunch so I figured I’d head out to the beach, and even if it was rainy I could find a coffee shop and get some more work done. So an hour on the bus to the Nibara beach. And…