Author Archives: Richard Graham

Okinawa, well the food’s nice!

Holiday over, back to work today. Things started off with a workshop for the sales people of our Okinawa distributor. Usually that’s just a case of going through the needs teachers have, how Genki English meets them, and why it’s so much better than anything out there ( hey, it’s a sales workshop!) But the…

Okinawa – Not impressed!

So there’s a typhoon. But I still managed to get most of my work done before lunch so I figured I’d head out to the beach, and even if it was rainy I could find a coffee shop and get some more work done. So an hour on the bus to the Nibara beach. And…

Off to Okinawa!!!!

Wahey – it’s off to sunny Okinawa!! Except that after last night I wasn’t really feeling in a “Wahey” mood! But the thought of spending all afternoon crashed out by the pool on the idyllic island of Okinawa kept me going through the Tokyo rush hour trains and the long (ish) flight. And what happens?…

Contrast, Contrast & Embassy Night Out

They say you should never go back to the scene of the crime. And after last week’s perfect workshop I would have been quite happy to bow out on a high note. But I didn’t record last week’s workshop, and I was still booked for today. So I started off and wow, what a difference….

AJET Info Fair

It seemed strange going “back” to Tokyo last night, Tokyo isn’t quite the place you look forward to returning to! But today was the AJET Info which is cool as I got to talk to a lot of new JETs, and as this day is a commercial event I could also show people the Genki…

Maruzen Nagoya and making publishers Genki?

OK, how to motivate 70 teachers at 10 AM on a Sunday? A challenge. Especially when I find out there is no projector. And there are also a load of kids. But…. as luck would have it these were the kids who always turn up in Nagoya, and they were great, even better than the…