Author Archives: Richard Graham

The New Maruzen

This new Maruzen store has to be one of the prime real estate locations in the entire World, it is literally right in front of the main entrance to Tokyo station! My presentation was at 11:20 and in the beginning there weren’t that many people present, and I was a bit worried that the typhoon…


Today I met with yet another publisher! This one also happens to be a mate, so it was great to just chat for ages about all sorts of ideas. One really cool thing that came up was a Junior High School resources section of the site, which could be interesting. Plus a million and one…

Tokyo – Bad Day, Good Night

Plan for today was writing. But it was just horrible weather outside so as usual, everything I wrote just sounded dull and depressing! So a pretty much totally wasted day! But then in the evening I went out with the publishers of my Kids English series and that was, as usual, lots of fun! With…

Publishing & Music Stores

Today my plan was to hit the big music stores in Shibuya to see what new keyboards and music making stuff they have. But the morning was spent pretty much on the phone and instant messaging with loads of different people. Then in the afternoon I was asked to visit a publisher about maybe making…

In the press!

When I first started Genki English, getting in the press was the most important thing, the way to let everyone know about what I was doing and more importantly to show them the URL. Recently I haven’t really done as much, but today Genki English was in 2 of the biggest newspapers in the prefecture,…

Hamamatsu – Teaching 1,500 kids!

This must be a record, teaching English to 1,500 kids in one day!! First was a school with 600 kids. First impressions were good as the head teacher asked if he could speak a bit of English. However I then asked about what sort of lessons they do here and he said that they have…