Author Archives: Richard Graham

iPod attacks my PC!

I bought an iPod last night! And it’s great. I listen to a lot of music and recently I’ve really got into having mp3s on my phone. But with only half a gig of space and all the security stuff which makes it so slooooowww to transfer data across ( over an hour for 5…

Witch Newsletter

This morning was again very busy, going through and translating all the new pages and newsletter into Japanese – it takes a lot of time! I also had to redo the Witch clip art picture as the one I did yesterday wasn’t good enough. At around 2 hours to just draw one picture, a whole…

Massive Halloween Update

Wow, that was one long work day! But I got a ton of stuff done so I’m shattered, but very happy! First of was a new updated version of the talking Japanese page. This page is really popular, coming up on the top 5 in google for “learning Japanese” so I figured I should…

Back to Japan

Today I was expecting a ton of emails and stuff to do, but there weren’t many emails to answer, but there were tons of CD orders which was cool! Eventhough I was away the orders were still sent off last week so don’t worry. But even so there was still quite a lot to do…

Hong Kong

People have been saying I should head over to Hong Kong for ages and this was my first proper time. ( The only other time I’ve been here was when the aeroplane I was on had an engine fire and we had to do and emergency landing!! But that’s another story.). I was expecting the…

Day off, fig picking and Playstation

It was my day off today and it was sunny – yeah! So days off in September call for fruit picking. First off we went up to pick some grapes but apparently they’d all been blown away in the typhoon. So we went fig picking instead which was good, although the trees were very low…