Author Archives: Richard Graham

Big typhoon, Newsletters and stuff

Oooo, this is a big typhoon! Well not really, when I first came to Japan everyone started talking about typhoons and really I didn’t think they are much bigger than the storms we have back home. But this morning I went out for a carton of milk and couldn’t stand up on the way back!…

It’s beyond a joke now….

So it’s my weekly day off again, and what happens??? Yes, it’s raining! This is beyond a joke now, basically everyday I’ve had off this Summer has rained! Today I had planned to go to the Space World Theme Park for a change, but it’s not that much fun in the rain! So in the…

backing up + ipod

I spent the entire day today backing up the GE data. It’s crazy the amount of data I produce! Plus everything has to be securely backed up and accessible, which can take a long time. So overall today I had two computers moving a couple of hundred gigs around. In the evening I went out…

Bits and Pieces

Today was finishing off the other parts of the website and uploading another couple of webpage narrations, this time for the GenkiJapan page and the parents page.

more webpage stuff

More updates to the website today, with more photos on the songs pages.

Catch up

As I had spent the last few days doing creative stuff, of course today all my business work caught up with me with a lot of phonecalls and emails asking why I hadn’t got back to people! Creating stuff’s cool, but I also got to pay the bills! So first off today was to plough…