Author Archives: Richard Graham

Photos on the website

I got a lot of work done today as well – cool! The main thing I managed to do was to put up photos showing the gestures and actions for a fair few of the songs, including Weather, Thank you, What are you doing?, Where are you going?, Good Morning, What sports do you play?…

Loads of stuff

First day back at computer work and I got a ton of stuff done!! One thing I’ve been working on is having photos of the gestures to all the songs on the site. Each song has it’s own online teaching video, but for people who come to the site for the first time I think…

Big Typhoon

My scheduled day off and a big typhoon comes. I came seem to win with the weather this year! But I took the chance to do all the errand things like going to the bank and stuff.

Show in Ishikawa

After a very good night’s sleep it was up for a very big breakfast. Then I popped into the onsen. Oh my goodness, it’s massive! With great huge Greek statues of horses and gods, pouring water into the baths. The owner caught up with me again and had a chat about how it would be…

Back to the life of luxury!

Today I was due to go up to Ishikawa for a private kids show and parents Q&A. But the way the finances worked out it would effectively mean I’d be doing it for free. This month I’ve already done a heck of a lot of volunteer work at schools in Fukuoka ( I’ve only been…

Last of the summer wine

Today was the last of the Summer Workshops for this year. In previous years August has been the fund raising month doing private shows and bookstores to fund the free school visits, but this year was the real thing with hours and hours of elementary school workshops. And it is really great because in the…