Author Archives: Richard Graham

Round full circle

I have a very strong affection for today’s school as when I first took Genki English out of Ehime and was going round Fukuoka on a bicycle, in a typhoon, cold calling on schools asking to do shows and seminars today’s school was the first school that put their trust in me and asked me…


Today’s school was from lunchtime, and was again really good. There were 2 new ALTs who also attended today. They had just arrived in Japan and looked more than a little shell shocked by my presentation ( it was in Japanese as well!), but they got into things and hopefully picked up some hints and…

Back to Fukuoka

Had a good school today, with another 2.5 hour workshop. It’s great getting into the rhythm of things as this week it’s full on with school workshops!


Back to Okayama again! Along with Fukuoka, Okayama has some of the best elementary school teachers in Japan. They are really genki and don’t need too much motivation talking, they’re already into it and are just wanting new ideas and techniques. Which was just as well today as there were so many teachers they split…

Kids English at Maruzen

Yesterday it seemed that just about everyone was new to Genki English, whereas today it seemed like all the fans had turned out in force! Which was just as well as I was demoing the Kids English series. Kids English is aimed at kids to learn at home, and although today was a presentation for…

Fukuoka Maruzen

Just about every teacher in Fukuoka has the Genki English Superpack and lots of the teachers very often turn out for GE workshops. So today I figured I’d do all new stuff, something of a bit higher level for people who’ve already seen everything else. But it turned out that there were also loads of…