Author Archives: Richard Graham

Things come easy

What a complete contrast to the last two days! Today I was up early and very genki. I started some music work and whilst working on one song I managed to completely write a new one in 30 minutes! Cool! Then down to Maruzen to check on things for tomorrow, and it looks like the…

things come hard

Planned to spend two days doing production work for the new CDs, but Wednesday was spent doing business stuff and on Thursday I just couldn’t get anything done however hard I tried! Having a splitting headache didn’t help much either.

two schools

Wow, it’s really back into things today with two 2.5 hour long workshops in Fukuoka. And they were great. I usually get really cultured shocked coming back to Japan as the motivation level of the teachers here is always way below other countries. But today’s schools were very much in the “have lessons already so…

Back to work

Only had 6,000 emails waiting for me when I got back. Luckily 5960 of them were only junk mails, so not that many to reply to, I guess everyone else must be on holiday! I also tried out a great idea I had for the Months of the Year theme, of having pictures of famous…

Holiday!! Yeah!

Fantastic, a whole week off in the sun!! It’s so nice being away from air pollution, over head cables and mounds of concrete. Just sitting by the pool, plenty of vegetables to eat and loads of exercise from swimming in the sea. I should really spend more time here instead of Japan! That always sounds…

SPA Magazine & all ready!

I saw the new SPA magazine in a convenience store today, and what happens to be shining out from page 41 – my picture! The article wasn’t quite what I remember saying in the interview ( they never are) but it’s a good mention of Genki English to a new genre of learner! Otherwise I…