Author Archives: Richard Graham

To Shizuoka

It’s back on the road again! Everytime I do one of these tours I have more and more respect for the sheer stupidity I must have had for started Genki English with a 4 month tour in a camper van! Tomorrow I have a set of schools in Hamamatsu, and this evening I had a…

Space World

Day off today and it was sunny! So we went out to the Space World theme park in Kokura. It’s showing its age a bit, but it was a nice day out. Then a bit of shopping for some new shoes, Kokura is actually really cool for shopping with its new shopping center! And thanks…

CD 5 is taking shape!

After last night getting all the boring bits of work out of the way, today I woke up at 12:30 feeling really genki. So I got to work on what I’ve supposed to have been doing all week, recording the demo vocals of the CD5 songs so I can then start on the orchestrations. And…

Funny Times

It’s 3 AM now and I’m wide awake getting a load of work done. Which is really strange as I’ve spent all day being totally ungenki and not being able to get anything done!! It’s true that it’s easier to work at night! The only thing is that I’ve now finished all my emails, accounts,…

iPod attacks my PC!

I bought an iPod last night! And it’s great. I listen to a lot of music and recently I’ve really got into having mp3s on my phone. But with only half a gig of space and all the security stuff which makes it so slooooowww to transfer data across ( over an hour for 5…

Witch Newsletter

This morning was again very busy, going through and translating all the new pages and newsletter into Japanese – it takes a lot of time! I also had to redo the Witch clip art picture as the one I did yesterday wasn’t good enough. At around 2 hours to just draw one picture, a whole…