Author Archives: Richard Graham

Getting ready for my hols!

I’ve got two days now to finish off any loose ends and get ready for a whole week off in the sun!!! Yeah! It will be my first whole week away from Genki English since I started it 5 years ago ( can’t believe it’s so long!) , and although I’ll take my music computer…

I’m shattered again + iTunes

After all the excitement of yesterday I was worn out today! Nevermind, it’s my holidays next week! One thing I did do today was to download the iTunes software, and it’s great! Until now Windows media player etc. still tends to think in terms of individual CDs, but with iTunes it’s dead easy to rearrange…

Fantastic School and business people

This morning’s school was great! Over the past couple of days I’ve been half thinking that I’ve maybe lost my touch with some of the teachers not being as genki as usual. But today there were no such worries at all and it was a fantastic workshop! It’s probably because unlike the last couple of…

The 3rd Rule of GenkiEnglish

Tried out one of my new synths this morning, oh very nice!! It sounds great, so I was in a really good mood for today’s school. And the signs were good, with the kouchou sensei having a good chat about Japanese schools and the sister school they have in Korea. The actual workshop was OK,…

Cool School

Today’s school was a little strange as they asked for a seminar “for very beginners” but they had actually been teaching English for three years!!! And actually even though it was an official compulsory workshop several teachers simply ran away when they heard it was being done by a non-Japanese. Hmmm, a lot to fix…