Author Archives: Richard Graham

Keyboards and stuff

Today was planned as a day off, but after yesterday I realise I have to get a lot more work done. I guess I’ve become a bit complacent as during the summer I’m in places like Kyushu and Okayama where people know what I do and hence really appreciate the presentations and what I can…

I’m Furious!

As you’ve probably seen I’m really, really busy this summer. And apart from the Maruzen gig on August 21st in Fukuoka I’ve had to cut all the usual commercial presentations in order to fit in all the free elementary school workshops. Most days are doubled booked and I don’t really have time to move around…

Pro Talento, Bugs & Osaka

Today’s 2 Fukuoka schools were also cool, but in a different kind of way to yesterday. In the morning I had a 3 hour workshop and it was like yesterday morning, a great bunch of teachers who have to teach on their own without an ALT and wanted help. As they actually have to teach…

2 Schools, Chalk & Cheese

Today’s 2 schools couldn’t have been more different. The 3 hours this morning was really great, the teachers were genki from the start and were really into wanting to learn about how to teach English. They had a great time, really got into the activities, asked loads of great questions and by the end of…

Great presentation and G&Ts by the beach

“A task always expands to the time allotted to it” is certainly a true quote! Today was the first time I had a three hour presentation in an elementary school. Usually I only have a 90 minute slot, or if it’s 3 hours it’s usually at a Conference where the teachers have already gone through…

End of the free DVDs

Today was finally the day when the free DVDs for elementary schools finished! It was a huge challenge to fund this project, and in the end it’s sort of had mixed results. The idea initially was for teachers who were really, really nervous about teaching English could just use the DVD as a virtual ALT…