Author Archives: Richard Graham

“Sea Day”

It’s a public holiday today, when all the beaches open for the season. But as I took my day off on Saturday I couldn’t really take any time off today. But it was OK as it wasn’t actually that sunny. What I had to do today was to start the planning stages of CD5. This…

Easy day, Card Game and Shrek 2

I was quite tired today so caught up with my emails and bits of bobs of admin. I also had a look at a new order form, as the Card Game packs aren’t compatible with the current form! And speaking of which, along with a case of beer that I got sent as a “Summer…


It was my day off again today and I did plan to go surfing again ( got to make the most of the Summer whilst it’s here!). But just got caught up doing stuff around town! But in the evening I did manage to make it to the massive fireworks display in Fukuoka. Wow. Japanese…

Coffee Shops + Spotlight

It feels like a real luxury to be able to get on with my emails and things and not have to worry about catching a train or plane. So spent most of the day going through the rest of this week’s emails and hopefully I’m up to date. My new anti-spam stuff seems to be…

Another good school + SPA magazine

Today’s school was also pretty cool. I have a three hour workshop with the teachers next month but today they asked for a show whilst the kids are still in term time. And the kids were great. A few knew “What’s your name?” but even just having them get the motivation stuff from the beginning…

Great school!

This morning I was planning on updating the website and sending off the newsletters, but I only got time to send off the English one.Then at lunchtime it was time to go out to today’s school. This is a school that only started English in April, but two of the teachers have attended Genki English…