Author Archives: Richard Graham

Catch up

It was playing catch up today with my emails and updating the website before all the workshops start. I didn’t get everything done though.


Monday’s my day off so after a few emails and phone calls I went off surfing for the afternoon. It’s nice living by the sea!

By the Seaside

I actually like Choushi, it feels, smells and looks like an old fashioned English Seaside Resort. This morning I was going to take the early train, but decided to hang around for a bit and walked down the long main street that leads to the sea. It was hot, but unlike most places in Japan,…

Kids Show in Choushi

Went down to breakfast this morning and there was an old guy, in a nice suite, on the next table who was pretty insistent that he was going to have a conversation with me. Which was OK, but he was sat at a table with three bottles of budweiser and was insisting that I have…

Off to Chiba

Up until two years ago it was a case of travelling around in the cheapest way possible, including overnight buses (not nice!), then when people started paying for me to fly around the country it was a total luxury!! But recently I haven’t travelled too far and have been mainly using the Shinkansen, so today…

Weird excuses + stuff to do

People don’t half come out with some strange excuses! Today I got an email from a teacher who was wanting me to do a workshop at her son’s school. But the reply that came back was that because the school had signed an agreement with another publisher, the Ministry of Education were banning me from…