Author Archives: Richard Graham

Stress free?

After last night giving up on the remix project my mind was running away with all the new ideas and projects I can now start! I must be mad – but I have some great ideas! So the plan was to take things easy today and get some rest before all the workshops I’ll be…

Go with the flow

Over the past few weeks I’ve been trying to remix the software section of CD3. So it was on/off as to whether I go with another run on the current version of the CD, or work flat out to get the remix done. And today I realised I’m not going to be able to make…

An Average Day, only taught 600 kids

Today was a production day doing the new CD remix, but in the morning I just popped out to a school in Fukuoka to do a demonstration class for 600+ kids!! They were actually really good and although it took the 6th graders a while to get it, they eventually got really genki by the…

Gotta keep going

Today I was soooo tired! But I have a load of production work to do and a very, very full schedule for the next 2 months!

Kids’ Shows in Osaka

A long time ago the business model of Genki English was that in order to keep the Elementary School visits free, I’d also do private shows where the kids pay to attend. These did work well, but the amount of work for the people who organise the events is just way too much! So three…

Fantastic Full Day in Osaka

Today was just so good. It was up early, a meeting at 8:30 and then from 9:30 till 7:30 in the evening a full 8 and a half hours of Genki English! I wasn’t sure how many teachers would come, but in the end there were 15 from all sorts of teaching backgrounds ( even…