Author Archives: Richard Graham

School Distribution

Got into Kyushu at 6 this morning. Then I found out that this afternoon I not only have a meeting with a school distributor, I have to give a presentation to their sales staff! Actually that went quite well, and they were glad to have something that’s so fun to use, they were saying how…

Back to Ehime for a day!

Yeah I’m back in Ehime for a day! It’s a bit silly, Ehime is still the place I officially live but it’s the first time I’ve been here since March!!! It’s great hearing the frogs in the paddy fields and the general “countrysideness” of everywhere! And as I only had one day I was mega…

Yokohama and Atom English

After I had to pay to stay in the Keio plaza I was determined to enjoy it! And this morning was really nice hanging out in a posh hotel room ( usually I’m always too busy!). I did have a breakfast coupon for the really nice restaurant downstairs, but I still wasn’t feeling too genki….

Tokyo Presentation – oh dear!!!

I figured last night it’d be quite safe to go out on the town with the CLAIR people, they’re organising the conference after all, just stick in Shinjuku and get back around midnight. So that’s what I did. But this morning, oh did I feel bad!!!! I went down to do the first presentation and…

Tokyo Day 2, meetings & kebabs!

I was wide awake this morning, so popped in to the JET conference to say hello and also check out the “Phonics” workshop, which like last week was pretty popular! Then to have a meeting with the publisher of the Kids English series to work out this years plans and schedules. I also found it…

Tokyo Conference Day 1 + Pic Books

Up early and off to Tokyo today. I had a read of a great new “Super Teaching in Japan” ebook, I’ll have to get a link to it from the site as it’s great! Then the JET conference Information Fair. The thing is that out of the 1,000 plus ALTs who come here, there’s not…