Author Archives: Richard Graham


Plan today was to head out to a restaurant and spend a few hours preparing music stuff to record later. But unlike yesterday after just two coffees and 20 minutes everything just clicked and I got a great production going on my music computer! Fantastic! So it was quickly back home to get things recorded….

Hard Rock

Tried to do some music work today. But recently I think I’ve been looking too much at hip hop production, which is fine for Junior High stuff, but not really for elementary school songs. So after a day of not getting much done, I went off to the Hard Rock cafe for some inspiration and…

It’s in the details

It’s amazing how changing just tiny little details on the website can make such a huge difference. Last week I updated the order form to accommodate the Phonics CD, and vwoom, internet sales dropped like a stone! I did some tests and figured there were too many products and it was confusing people. So this…

School Day

For some strange reason I was up early and working by 8 this morning! Very strange! But funnily enough at 8:30 I got a call to say that one of the cities I did a workshop for last year, and who had bought CD sets for all the schools, had recently “gappeid” ( several towns…

All sorts

The delivery guy woke me up this morning with the printed masters of the card game. Ergghhh! They look absolutely horrible!! When I design stuff for the web the colours always look really cool, but when they get converted for a professional printing press they naturally have to be converted. But this time the colours…

Not too genki

I wasn’t too genki today so couldn’t do too much creative stuff ( the genkiness always shows through!!). But I had a ton of work/admin stuff to do and lots and lots of phonecalls. I need a staff!!