Author Archives: Richard Graham

10 hours to catch up!

It took me 10 hours today just to catch up on last week’s email and running around after orders etc! And I’ve got a CD remix to do before the weekend! I could do with some help! But it’s 9 o’clock now so I’m having my dinner!

Rain, rain, rain!

Did some work this morning, just general sort of stuff then went out to Aso San for a game of golf!! And it was fantastic weather, absolutely brilliant! We ( my girlfriend and I ) went up to the top of the volcano, which was also great. But about ten minutes after we arrived, a…

Kobe Day Three + my presentations!

Oh I felt well ill this morning! But actually when I look back all my best presentations have been when I’ve been in the same frame of mind as most of the participants! I also had to get up at 6 o’clock to prepare some PR sheets for a company in Fukuoka! So actually by…

Kobe Day Two!

Despite getting to sleep at 3 AM, I was quite genki this morning. I went to check out some of the seminars, which were quite good. The first was on kindergarten teaching, done by a qualified teacher who did some really cool stuff. Then I went to check the phonics one, that was so popular!!…

Kobe Day One!

It’s Kobe Re-contracting conference again, a time to speak to a ton of people, do a couple of workshops and have a great time! First up was the information fair. There weren’t actually that many people this year, but personally it is so nice when people come up to me and say “I just want…