Author Archives: Richard Graham

What a fantastic day

Today was one of those rare days when everything just seemed to go right. First up were a couple of meetings at Starbucks, great stuff. It’s always nice talking to people who have big plans and intend to carry them out! Cool. Then in the afternoon it was off to a school in Fukuoka to…

day off and it rained!

Typical I guess. So I slept most of the day. In the evening I sorted out the master of the Genki English Card Game, it looks like we might be able to make it into a printed product, which should hopefully save a lot of people a lot of time!

Genki Day and the Phonics CD has arrived!!!!

I wonder how much email other people get? I seem to have several lots for each of my different hats, both running the business, and doing consulting, plus several thousand spams! Anyway I got up this morning and wasn’t feeling at all genki!! It was supposed to be a recording day today, so I took…

I’m a little bit behind…

After this week’s presentation at the Education Center, I’ve had quite a few schools asking me to go and do workshops for all their staff. That’s really cool, but it also means June is now a very busy month! Plus I have tons of production work, as well as normal business work to do! So…

New printer & Legal MP3s

To print the picture cards we have a load of printers in Ehime, but I don’t actually have one with me in Fukuoka. So instead of paying a fortune to Kinkos every week I got a printer. It took ages to choose though, staff training in shops needs a bit of improving! Legal MP3 downloads…

Fukuoka Education Center

Along with a lot of help from the ALT, it took four years to set up this gig – a three hour presentation to over one hundred teachers from just about all the Elementary Schools in Fukuoka city!! They were very keen and asked great questions and it’s always nice to have three hours because…